I Ran Home to Find Home

Sam is your average Taiwanese Canadian Banana stuck in cultural limbo. Too white to be asian and too asian to be white, but what happens when a white man applies for work at her family's dry cleaning shop? What happens when this man is a better "Asian" than her? Sam is sent on a journey that may prove that culture is not skin deep.

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  • Developed in the fu-Gen Kitchen XVI Creators Unit 2018-2019

  • Staged Reading as a part of fu-Gen Theatre’s Potluck XVI in June 2019 Directed by Andrew Cheng

  • Original Cast: Sherry Hsu, Athena Trinh, Kiana Woo, Kevin Chiao, Janice Yang, April Leung and Michael Chiem

  • Currently in development with Factory Theatre’s Foundry Creators Unit